
I want you to be happy with your purchase. If you are not satisfied with your item, you can return or exchange it within 21 days of purchase. I will provide free return shipping and refund you in the original form of payment. Please note that the item must be in its original condition and packaging, and include the receipt or proof of purchase.

If you receive a damaged item, please contact me immediately and send a photo of the damage. I will either replace the item or issue a full refund, depending on your preference.

I will process refunds as quickly as possible, usually within 3 to 5 business days after we receive your returned item. You will receive an email confirmation when your refund is issued. Please allow some time for your bank or credit card company to process the refund and reflect it on your statement. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

If you want to exchange an item, you can follow the same steps as returning an item. Simply indicate on the return form that you would like to exchange the item and specify the new item that you want. I will ship the new item to you as soon as I receive your returned item. You will not be charged for the shipping cost of the exchange. However, if the new item is more expensive than the original item, you will have to pay the difference in price. If the new item is less expensive than the original item, I will refund you the difference in price.

Thank you for shopping. I appreciate your business and hope to see you again soon.